Category Archives: meditation

Rapid Eye Technology

Transform Stress Into Peace And Power With Rapid Eye Technology

As you navigate through life, you might find yourself caught in a cycle of stress, anxiety, and overwhelm. It's not uncommon to feel this way. However, there are therapeutic strategies that can help reprogram your mind and allow you to reclaim your sense of calmness and peace.
One such strategy is Rapid Eye Technology, which has been around for at least 40 years. Discover how this wonderful therapeutic approach can make a significant impact on your life.

What is Rapid Eye Technology

Rapid Eye Technology is an approach that aims to reprogram the brain's neurological patterns.
To comprehend this, consider the brain as having thousands of neuropathways, each holding its own set of information. These neuropathways are developed in childhood and are heavily influenced by external factors such as parents, the school system, media, and more. Over time, these pathways become our truth and, in turn, control our reality.
The therapy involves simple yet powerful techniques to address this. Through intentional blinking, a process is initiated to open these neuropathways and move information out of them. This essentially clears the storage units within our brain that hold negative emotions and patterns, providing space for new, positive information.
Another critical aspect is balancing the left and right brain hemisphere activity. The left brain is responsible for analytical thinking and can sometimes lead to overthinking and creating unnecessary stress. On the other hand, the right brain sees the bigger picture, bringing a sense of calmness and joy.
Rapid Eye Technology helps bridge the gap between these two hemispheres, enabling a more balanced and empowered mental state.

How it Works

A significant focus of Rapid Eye Technology is reprogramming the brain. This involves identifying and addressing core beliefs – those deep-seated, emotionally charged beliefs that form the basis of our thoughts and actions. By cleaning out the negative information stored in the brain's pathways and replacing it with positive affirmations and new patterns, a person can effectively create a shift in their cognitive processes.
In addition to the therapy sessions, there are simple tools that individuals can use in their everyday lives to manage their energy. These tools help in recognizing patterns of stress and anxiety early and work towards addressing them before they escalate.
By incorporating these practices and actively engaging in reprogramming the mind, individuals can reclaim their inner peace and empowered state.

 Applying RET to your Daily Life

Embracing Rapid Eye Technology in your daily routine doesn't have to be complicated. It's about simplicity and consistency.
One of the basic exercises is the eye movement practice. You can do this by finding a spot on one side of the room, then another on the opposite side, and smoothly moving your eyes back and forth between the two spots.
It's essential to incorporate this practice whenever you recognize stress or anxiety creeping in. By doing so, you are effectively opening the synapses, allowing for a flow of energy between the hemispheres of the brain and reducing the effects of fight or flight responses. This simple exercise can be done multiple times a day, whenever a moment of calmness and balance is needed.
Moreover, teaching your brain to recognize patterns of stress and anxiety before they become all-consuming is vital. By taking control of your mental processes through these techniques, you are not only benefiting yourself but also contributing positively to the collective consciousness, creating ripples of peace and empowerment.

In Conclusion

Rapid Eye Technology offers a holistic approach to transforming stress into peace and power. By understanding and utilizing the methods it offers, individuals can actively engage in reprogramming their minds and reclaiming a sense of balance and calmness.
By integrating these practices into daily life, individuals can create a significant and positive impact on their mental well-being without the need for expensive equipment or complex processes.
Learn more about RET by watchng my interview with Paula Bronte below.

Sign up to get your free worksheet!

Rapid Eye Technology and Stress Management Worksheet
Sign up now to receive your worksheet and take the first step towards a calmer, empowered mindset.
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anxiety triggers

10 Common Anxiety Triggers And How To Overcome Them

In our modern society, we’ve somehow become convinced that if we can just juggle all those balls or spin all those plates, life will be perfect. Unfortunately, so many of the modern inputs actually contribute to stress, overwhelm, and even anxiety or depression. There are several things in our lives that can cause anxiety. There are a number of different things that can help alleviate many of these stressors.

1. Lack of Sleep

We try to do more in our day, and sleep is the first to go. Unfortunately, in our desire to get more done, sleep deprivation can instigate or worsen anxiety disorders. By making sleep a priority you just might find you are also more productive. There are several things you can do for improving your sleep. Check out my post “How to Sleep Soundly” for several tips.

2. Excessive Technology

Digital overload is now the norm in our society. Cell phones, computers, and televisions all keep us “connected.” There are texts and emails that bombard us throughout our day, shows to watch, and video games to play. But what is the cost of all this technology? There is an overload of information that we must process, and this can activate stress hormones and the brain is constantly “on”, leaving us anxious. For many it can be beneficial to set aside some time each day with no technology. You might be surprised how less anxious you feel.

3. Too Much News

This is another challenge that comes along with technology. Social media sites cover more negative or dramatic news to encourage more hits. Have you heard the term “doomscrolling”? This is where you get sucked into a negative news cycle and find it difficult to disengage.  All types of news media consumption can increase emotional distress. Some strategies to limit this type of stress can include turning off smartphone news notifications, set time limits for scrolling, and add other tech-free periods during your day.

4. Being Disconnected From Nature

Our connection with nature is slipping away as we spend more time on devices. American adults spend more than half of their day on electronic media; and the average adult spends five hours or less in nature per week. The environments we are in can increase or decrease our stress and this in turn impacts our overall health. Being in nature reduces anger, fear, and stress. Consider taking walks or hikes during your day, even a short walk can help lift your spirits. Forest bathing, spending time in a forest, lowers cortisol levels, reduces blood pressure and pulse rate.

5. Sedentary Life

Sedentary lifestyle has definitely increased with our technology use and lack of time in nature. It too can affect mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and self-esteem. It is important to move throughout the day. If you sit for long periods of time, consider setting a timer for every 30 minutes to just get up and walk around or stretch for a few minutes.

6. The Blood Sugar Roller Coaster

Experiencing the blood sugar roller coaster not only impacts your body but also your mood. Unstable blood sugar often starts with a lack of protein and nourishing foods at the beginning of the day.  As you go through the day your blood sugar begins to spin out of control. These ups and downs can produce anxiety, worry, and irritability. To avoid this roller coaster, concentrate your meals and snacks around protein, fiber, and healthy fats.

7. Lack of Purpose or Doing a Job You Hate

Feeling of not having a clear direction or goal in life and/or job burnout can impact your overall mental health causing problems with anxiety and depression. You may not be able to quit your job right now, but you can invest your time in doing something you are passionate about. Even a couple of hours a week doing something you love can help lift your mood. And who knows…sometimes these passion projects can lead to a new career!

8. Bottling up Emotions or Unprocessed Trauma

Emotional suppression and unresolved emotional distress have been shown in studies to contribute to anxiety. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an example of unprocessed trauma. Yoga, meditation, mindfulness, exercise, journaling, and reaching out to someone are all strategies that can help.

9. Lack of Deep Connection

Lack of meaningful and authentic relationships in one's life can increase the risk of anxiety and depression. Humans are social beings. As the saying goes, “No man is an island.” Some people may need differing levels of connectiveness, but we all need some form of human contact. Suggestions can include reaching out to someone, to get involved in something you feel passionate about, replace screen time with face-to-face time, or join a walking group. Building relationships not only helps you, it can help others too.

10. Being Over Caffeinated

Consuming excessive caffeine can trigger anxiety. Caffeine is found not only in coffee but also tea, energy drinks, candy, and more. You can check out my post “How Much Caffeine Do You Need?” To limit caffeine intake, read labels to determine how much you may actually be consuming and find alternatives that don’t contain caffeine. If you feel you need a “hit” of caffeine try a glass of water, take a walk, or practice deep breathing – all of which can improve your energy level.

With so many areas that can cause anxiety in our lives, it can be challenging to reduce it. Yet, implementing some of these strategies can still be helpful.

Healthy At Home Journaling Prompts

Journaling for better health

If you're looking to improve your health and wellbeing there may be a strategy to help that you're overlooking. Journaling. It turns out that there are a lot of ways that using a journal can be good for you. It can be a supportive strategy for stress relief, help you work out problems, boost your memory, and has also been shown to be good for mental health.

Does journaling really help?

There are a lot of studies that have been done around the idea of journaling and its benefits. Here are just a few ways that it can be helpful for you:

  • Health benefits – a study of undergraduate college students found that journaling increased wellbeing, decreased illness, and, over time, even helped to decrease the ill effects of dealing with trauma
  • Improves cognitive function – writing, as opposed to typing, has been shown to improve your ability to acquire, process, and recall information. One article found that writing was useful when it came to learning both math and science. 
  • Better learning skills – according to research published in Psychological Science students who wrote longhand, as opposed to those who typed using laptops, were better able to learn material. Journaling can be a way of recording and deepening your understanding of yourself and/or what you're writing about.
  • Remember significant events – life can be very full and there are lots of distractions. Journaling about moments, events, or people that are noteworthy or important to you can be a way to create an accurate accounting of what you want to remember accurately.
  • Organizing your thoughts – sometimes there's so much going on that it can be difficult to keep all of your plans and goals clearly in mind. Writing it down can be a positive way to stay on track. Plus writing down your goals increases your chances of succeeding at them.
  • Better healing – studies have found that journaling can have a positive impact on how well the body heals. According to the research this includes healing from IBS, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, and wound healing.
  • Improves mental health – studies have found a positive shift in mental state among those who journaled, this included those with cancer, Parkinson's, and other health conditions.

Give it a try

With all these benefits from journaling you're probably curious as to whether or not it could work for you. Why not give it a try?  History is filled with people who journaled – Beatrix Potter, Marie Curie, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison, Lewis Carroll, Leonardo Da Vinci, Mark Twain and so many others. They wouldn't have journaled if they didn't get at some benefit out of it.

Take advantage of the fact that this is a low-cost, easy to do activity that can be good for your health. Spend the next 30 days engaged in a journaling practice and see how you feel at the end. Chances are you'll notice some benefits and want to keep going.  

I don't know what to write

If you're stuck for something to journal about I've got your covered.  Here are 50 topics, pick one at random and spend a few minutes each day journaling about it. 

1. What does it mean to you to be healthy?
2. What have been your biggest health struggles while being at home?
3. How has your mental health been?
4. What has been giving you anxiety?
5. What are your biggest fears during quarantine?
6. How has your physical health changed?
7. What weight trends have you noticed recently?
8. How has your diet changed since spending more time at home?
9. What is causing you the most worries?
10. How has your exercise routine changed?
11. Are there any home workouts you have tried?
12. Pick at least 3 new at-home workouts you can try in the next week.
13. Pick an exercise you can do with others you live with.
14. What do you think is the most important aspect of nutrition?
15. What are some healthier food items you can add while at home?
16. To improve your nutrition, try adding some structure to your day, then journal about your experience.
17. How have your cravings changed since you have been home?
18. Do you feel you are a boredom eater?
19. Have you noticed any emotional eating tendencies?
20. Go outside to walk and get fresh air, then journal how you feel afterwards.
21. What is a way you can embrace and take advantage of being at home?
22. What are the main sources of your stress lately?
23. What are some stress-relieving activities you have tried?
24. What hobbies have been keeping you busy?
25. How are you dealing with your kids’ health and wellness while being at home more often?
26. In what ways are your kids getting exercise?
27. How are you focusing on proper nutrition for your kids?
28. Try creating a new daily routine that encourages healthy habits.
29. What are 5 things you miss from before you were quarantined?
30. What are 5 things you look forward to when things get back to normal?
31. Name 5 people you can’t wait to spend more time with.
32. What are 5 things you can be grateful for right now?
33. Make a list of healthy snacks you can add to your diet.
34. How have you been socializing lately?
35. List some ways you can reach out to people more.
36. What is something you have always wanted to try?
37. If your productivity is suffering, what are some reasons you think that is?
38. Give yourself a break – what are some things you believe you have done right?
39. List self-care activities you have participated in it while being at home.
40. List some NEW self-care activities for your shelter-in-place time?
41. What is a creative activity you can try while being at home?
42. List the main things that have been on your mind lately.
43. When you think of how you spend your time when you are bored, what comes to mind first?
44. When the shelter in place orders are lifted, what is a way you can get out more?
45. How has quarantine changed your mindset?
46. What do you think you took for granted before quarantine?
47. Have you read any books while in isolation?
48. How do you think life will be different moving forward.
49. What are some changes you have made that have improved your health so far?
50. List 10 ways you can be physically and mentally healthier while at home.

Feel free to share this post, and list of ideas, with the people you love and enjoy journaling! 


King, L. A. (2001). The Health Benefits of Writing about Life Goals. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin27(7), 798–807.

Mueller, P. A., & Oppenheimer, D. M. (2014). The Pen Is Mightier Than the Keyboard: Advantages of Longhand Over Laptop Note Taking. Psychological Science25(6), 1159–1168.

Murphy, M. Neuroscience Explains Why You Need To Write Down Your Goals If  You Actually Want To Achieve Them. Forbes. April 15, 2018.

Willis, J. The Brain-Based Benefits of Writing for Math and Science Learning. July 11.2011. Accessed June 5, 2020.

lotus flower - meditation tips

Ten Tips For Meditation Newbies

Why meditate?

Meditation, especially mindfulness meditation, is getting a lot of attention these days.  As people begin to really understand and accept the idea of a mind-body-wellness connection, this practice is becoming more popular. And studies show that meditation has a wide range of health benefits:

  • reduces stress
  • reduces anxiety
  • increases focus
  • improves self-awareness
  • may help with memory
  • may help reduce addiction and addictive behaviors
  • improves sleep
  • has been shown to help reduce pain

Getting started

Many people can be hesitant or nervous about starting a practice. That’s because most people equate meditation with sitting still for hours, possibly in lotus position (if your knees bend that far), hands in a mudra position, all while chanting Om and clearing your mind of all thought. While that can, as does, work for some people, for many other’s that simply isn’t going to cut it.

We tend to forget that we are all bio-individual human beings.  Mind and body. So just as one particular diet is not going to work for every single human on the face of the planet, there is no one single meditation practice that works for everyone either. It’s important to find a practice that works for you, that means one that you are comfortable with and are willing to continue to practice.

Meditation is not meant to be overwhelming. It can be simple and enjoyable. It can even be something simple like a gratitude practice one to two times per day. If you want to start or improve your meditation practice without stress, however, there are a number of things you need to know. Getting a good start will help you enjoy the process of learning, support you while you find what works for you, and increases your ability to maintain a balanced meditation practice.

Tips for meditating

  1. Start slow Most people seem to think that they need to jump into an extensive practice, meditation for 30 minutes or an hour at a time. It’s better to begin and develop a practice, even a short one, that you can stick with. Starting with even as little as two to three minutes can be a good start. And you’ll feel so good about it that you’ll want to continue.
  2. Stretch first Especially if you’re new to a meditative practice, sitting or lying still, even just for a few minutes, can get, well, a bit fidgety. If you move your body first, stretching, bending, even just jumping in place if that’s what you need to do, you’ll be much more likely to clear your energy enough to be able to be calm for your practice.
  3. Remember to breathe Sometimes the easiest way to get started is to simply focus on your breath. Breathing helps you maintain awareness and connects you to the present. It also allows you to focus on breathing deep into the belly for full relaxation and oxygenation.
  4. Counting helps If you’re having a hard time focusing on your breath you can add a simple counting practice which has the added benefit of creating just a little more awareness.  One popular method is called box breathing. This is where you breathe in for a count of four, hold your breath for a count of four, breath out for a count of four, hold your breath for a count of four.  Repeat.
  5. You’ll still have thoughts Clearing your mind of all thought is extremely difficult. Instead of trying to not think, simply let your mind float. When you have thoughts come up, and they will, acknowledge them. Don’t focus on them thought, simply recognize that they are there and then return your focus to your breath..
  6. Get comfortable You are not required to bend yourself into a pretzel shape in order to achieve some sort of meditative nirvana. If you’re doing a still meditation (which is what most people start with), simply sit or lie comfortably.  Adjust your body to make sure you don’t feel cramped or crooked. Rest your hands comfortable, at your sides, on your belly, on your lap, whatever works for you. Making yourself comfortable first means you won’t get distracted from your practice by discomfort in your body.
  7. Use a timer Especially in the beginning, the temptation is to keep cracking open your eyeballs to peek and see how much time has passed.  Yes, even if you’re just meditation for two minutes.  If you’re not used to it, two minutes can be a long time.  A timer allows you to let go of that concern because once your time it up it lets you know.  You may find yourself surprised at how quickly the time passes when you don’t have to worry about it.
  8. Try meditating multiple times per day By trying different times of the day you’ll find the time that works best for you.  You’ll probably also discover that, especially in the beginning, it’s easier to do 3-4 mini sessions while you work your way up to a longer one. s
  9. Be patient Like anything new, in theory, it would seem that it should be really easy to meditate.  Especially if you’re only doing it for a few minutes. But we’ve become conditioned to always being busy, especially with technology and our always-on social life. It takes time and effort to break this habit. Be kind to yourself, be patient and know that you will get there.
  10. Keep it up Make it a habit to set aside time every day for meditation.  The more you do this the more you’ll come to appreciate the restful break from our overscheduled and busy lives that meditation provides. Don’t push yourself to move too quickly. Simply acknowledge that you are building a new skill, and that takes time.

Bonus tip

Unless you’re using one of the meditation apps listed below, be sure to turn off your cellphone so that you are not interrupted while you’re trying to meditate. Even if you are using an app, set it to do not disturb so that you won’t be in the middle of a session when your phone goes off.

Meditation resources

There are a number of resources out there that can help you as you learn to build your practice. These include meditation apps and books. Don’t forget to invest in a comfy pair of yoga pants, and maybe even a yoga mat or a zafu meditation pillow, if you’re going to do a more traditional style of meditation.

Beyond Meditation: Making Mindfulness Accessible for Everyone

This book is an essential resource for anyone seeking to understand the effect mindfulness has in one’s life journey. It is filled with practical techniques, guided meditations, stories, and other nuggets of wisdom that can help ease your journey through the world. 

The beauty of meditation is how many different ways there are to practice it and how easy it can be. By incorporating a meditation practice into your life you'll achieve both physical and mental benefits. Using the tips and resources listed above you’ll become skillful at this wonderful practice, developing a healthful habit that you can enjoy for the rest of your life.

Six Reasons To Love Adult Coloring Books

When you first think of coloring, you might picture children with bunches of crayons excitedly coloring in books with their favorite cartoon characters. But there’s a growing trend of adults that enjoy coloring. This has brought about the release of more complex coloring sheets and books designed exclusively for adults.

Many adults have discovered that not only is coloring fun, it also has health benefits, too. As a form of self-care (and self-care is one of my "ingredients for a healthy life") coloring books are right up there for a simple, easy way to take a break.  If you’ve been thinking about adding coloring books to your self-care strategy, here are some of the ways this hobby can help support better health:

  1. Stress reliever
  2. Elevates mood
  3. The Un-tech Effect
  4. Improves focus
  5. Anyone can color
  6. Highly portable


1. Stress Reliever

According to a study published in the Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, coloring in mandala or geometric patterns appears to lower stress and anxiety levels.  

When your body is stressed it produces cortisol.  In small doses this hormone can be beneficial, helping you get through a nerve-wracking speech or boosting your energy when you're in the middle of a crisis such as a car accident. Too much cortisol over an extended period of time can lead to health problems. Problems like type 2 diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, and anxiety.

While coloring doesn’t prevent you from producing cortisol, it’s believed to help lower your cortisol levels. This may be because coloring allows you to get into the creative zone and focus on something enjoyable, rather than worrying about your problems. This, in turn, can help you to relax and release the tension in your body.

One of the conclusions of the Art Therapy study was that “It seems that the complexity and structure of the plaid and mandala designs drew the participants into a meditative-like state that helped reduce their anxiety.”


2. Elevates Mood

Besides easing stress, coloring can also improve your mood. This could be due in part to the fact that no one is judging your art. In many ways, coloring is a freeing experience for adults. It may also be because coloring can lead to something called flow. 

Developed by positive psychology cofounder, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, flow is the concept of a highly focused mental state. When in a state of flow you are removing outside distractions.  Using coloring as something to create that flow, you let go of stress (as mentioned above) and are focusing the simple act of coloring. This can provide space which allows you to unwind.  Your flow state can then boost creativity, productivity, and positivity.


3. The Un-Tech Effect

Let's face it, our lives are immersed in technology. Your phone, your watch, your computer, tablet, and television are all highly technical and always pulling for your attention.  Even our homes are becoming smarter and more high tech. Doorbells, lights, heating systems, refrigerator, and more are requiring us to tap into technology. All of that technology interface can be overwhelming, overstimulating, and somewhat stressful. It feels like you are always surrounded. That's because you are.

Yet with just your imagination, some paper, and a few coloring tools you can set aside some me-time and take a break from all that technology. Your brain will actually function better after a break and you'll feel calmer too.


4. Improves Focus

Another advantage of coloring is that it improves your focus. Many people find that coloring while listening to webinars or lectures makes it easier to absorb the information. Some of this may be due to an innate tendency to be a kinesthetic, or hands-on learner. But even those who aren't typically kinesthetic learners may benefit. Many people find that keeping their hands busy, means their mind is less likely to wander.

Because coloring gives you better focus and more clarity, it can also be a good activity to do before you sit down to set goals or develop new strategies. Many highly creative people, such as Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison, found answers to problems they were working on when they took a break and didn't focus on the problem. The creativity required for coloring may help you think of new ways to tackle your goals and get the results you're looking for.


5. Anyone Can Color 

Many people suppress their artistic impulses telling themselves that they simply aren't creative. The truth is we are all creative. We all have that spark within us. The beauty of adult coloring books is that when you're coloring it's a no pressure situation. You're not expecting to have your coloring pages hung in a famous museum. You're simply coloring. And you don't even have to color inside the lines if you don't want to. You can make green clouds, pink skies, or anything your imagination can conjure up. It's a totally personal choice of what you color, what colors you choose, and how you put everything together.


6. Highly Portable 

Coloring is one of those activities that can be done anywhere. There are even small books or tiny coloring kits that can be tucked into a purse or a backpack to have at the ready. Perfect for long waits at the department of motor vehicles or alone at a coffee shop. Wherever you are and whatever time you have available, coloring can fill in the gaps and give you a healthy break.

If you love to color and are looking for new sources of coloring material be sure to check out my ebook, Mira's Marvelous Mandalas with 55 ready to print beautiful mandala designs to bring you hours of creative fun and mindfulness.

Word Of The Year: Mindfulness

Over the years I've developed a habit of choosing a word to serve as my intention for the year.  This year the word is mindfulness.  As I go through each year I reflect frequently on my word and see if I am meeting my reasons for having chosen it.  

Choosing a Word

In past years it has sometimes been a struggle to come up with a word.  There are so many to choose from! And finding just the right one that resonates is not as easy as you might think.  Usually I wind up taking the time from Christmas until somewhere after the New Year to identify a word.

This year, as I worked on my new book on meditation I kept coming back to the word and it really resonated with me. Each time I thought about it, wrote about it, saw it on my desk or my computer it caught my attention and made me stop for a moment. 

I realized that it flows well from my previous word of Focus.

The dictionary defines mindfulness as

1. the state or quality of being mindful or aware of something.

2. Psychology.

  1. a technique in which one focuses one's full attention only on the present, experiencing thoughts, feelings, and sensations but not judging them:
    The practice of mindfulness can reduce stress and physical pain.
  2. the mental state maintained by the use of this technique

Benefits of Mindfulness

One of the things that appeals to me about choosing this word is how much it resonates with our need for self care.  When I work with clients I encourage them to be more mindful about their eating which, of course, has an impact on health. I encourage some sort of self care practice, breathing, meditation, yoga, all of which require a degree of mindfulness.

Moving forward into the new year there will be more of that.  Both for them and for me.  While I am a holistic health practitioner and I support others to achieve their wellness goals, I know I benefit from these practices as well.

The truth is that mindfulness is a very supportive piece of our overall health and wellness.  Studies have shown that it can help lower stress and reduce blood pressure. This, in turn, is good for heart health. [1]  Mindfulness can also help with nutrition, satiety, and even weight loss.  There are a number of studies about this and even a book on the subject

Savor: Mindful Eating, Mindful Life








In the year ahead I'm looking forward to deepening my own sense of mindfulness.   And I'm excited to share with others, supporting them to develop their own mindfulness practices as part of their wellness plan.

Words From Past Years

If you're interested these are the words that I've chosen in the past.  I find it fascinating to look back at previous years, at the reasons I chose certain words and reflecting on the growth that brought to my life.

I'd like to encourage you to pick a word of your own. It's an interesting exercise and can have some amazing results. If you want to take it one step further you can even go to OneWord365 and put it out there into the universe.


Meditation For Children (and Adults)

May is National Meditation Month. Recently I saw this article online, Why Our Children Should Be Taught To Meditate In School.  This falls into the ‘why didn't I think of that' category.  If I had known or thought about this I would have encouraged my children to learn how to meditate when they were younger.

Moving faster

In our ever-increasing-speed society children are being encouraged toward more distractibility, more tools, more stimulation.  There's no down time.   Although he never really said it, Gandhi is attributed with saying, “There's more to life than increasing it's speed.”  Whether Gandhi said it or not it is a valuable sentiment.  Somehow, unfortunately, I don't think our modern society is listening.

Everywhere we turn we are surrounded by messages that urge us to move faster, be more productive, encourage speed over mindfulness. There's even a saying that highlights this point…”That's so [insert number] seconds ago.”  I know it's meant to be amusing but it highlights the problem that we face staying focused in our daily lives.  Everything is presented as needing to be instant, now, online, immediately.  It's no wonder that rates of hypertension are rising among our young people.  They're being stressed, pressured, and sped up beyond reasonable limits.  I personally believe this to be true for adults also.

Slowing down

Instead of joining in to the overwhelming frenzy for fast everything,  perhaps we need to re-evaluate things and slow down just a bit.  If we taught kids how to meditate in school it's possible that their minds could stop spinning to frantically.  They could learn how to recenter themselves and focus.  And what a great tool to be able to take forward into adulthood.

Part of the problem is that those stressful and overwhelmed feelings don't stop just because we become adults. Indeed for some adults it's even worse. And we do it to ourselves. We allow ourselves to be sucked into the pressures and the stress that leave us feeling overwhelmed. What if instead of giving in we slowed  down. What if we made a choice to make a change?  For those of us who are already adults and feeling overwhelmed?  Stop for a moment.  Take a few deep breaths.  That in and of itself is a good beginning.  Need some guided resources?  Below are a few to get you started

Meditation Resources




  • Calm – Meditation to Relax, Focus, and Sleep Better
  • Headspace – Guided Meditation and Mindfulness
Treasure those small quiet moments.  Seek them out.  Teach your children to do the same.  I think the world will be a better place if we do.


Aromatherapy Field Trip

Steve and I recently took a trip into Houston.  We were headed for the Museum of Natural Science but would up making a little detour before visiting the museum.  Across the street from the Museum, located at One Hermann Street, is a garden that is open to the public.  One part of the garden is an Aromatic Garden.  Filled with raised beds of mints, culinary herbs, rosemary and other aromatics it is truly a delight for the senses.

We wandered through the beds delighting in the plantings and stroking the different plants to release their scents, admiring how many different kinds of mints and basils and thymes, and more there are.  The smell, the texture, the setting all combined to make a very relaxing and delightful stroll.  I confess that my hands smelled quite delicious by the time we were done.

Next door to the Aromatic Garden is the Rose Garden.  Abounding with blooms of all sizes and colors we wandered from bed to bed exclaiming over the different colors and scents.  Some of the showiest roses had no scent at all while some were so overpoweringly perfume-y that one small sniff was more than enough.  

I could feel my blood pressure dropping and a sense of calm envelop me as we enjoyed both of these gardens.  It was a moment of mindful meditation.  Even now, thinking about them as I write I find a peaceful feeling rising forth.  Such is the power of scent and beauty that it can help us to slow down and enjoy the moment.  Not for nothing do we have the phrase “take time to smell the roses.”

While I have aromatic herbs in my garden I'm now considering adding some roses to I can recreate a small dose of the experience we had this morning for those days when I can't get all the way into the city.  If you have a small corner of your garden available you might want to consider doing the same.

photo courtesy of Stan Shebs | Wikimedia Commons

Guided Meditation

It is important for us to take time out of our hectic, frequently over-scheduled lives to decompress.  For many people that takes the form of yoga, journaling, or a spiritual or meditative practice.  I often have people tell me that they don't know how to get started or they can't focus enough to take those few beneficial moments to re-center themselves.  Guided meditations can be a good way to get started if you are out of practice or just beginning a centering practice of your own.

I've come across this guided meditation at My Own Healing Power and it's free.  Take a few moments to do something positive for yourself and check it out.

Fifteen Minutes

As a Nutrition Educator with a holistic focus to my practice I believe it is important to do more than just pay attention to the food we eat.  We need to nourish our whole being; that includes our brains, our emotions, and our spirits.

I recently learned about Spring Forest Qigong's gift to all of us.  In the hurry and flurry of post-holiday time, as we settle back into our normal routines and recover from any holiday-induced stress, we need to remember to take some time for ourselves.

Master Chunyi Lin has created a free fifteen minute guided meditation that is wonderful.  You deserve to take fifteen quiet minutes for yourself to listen to this amazing gift.